4-H Is For Everyone!
4-H is a youth organization based in communities all around the United States. All together there are nearly six million members enrolled in the club. 4-H provides community members to become a part of an organization that is so large but still feels tight knit. 4-H isn't just about being involved in a caring community, you will also learn valuable life skills while participating in club outings, meeting activities, and your own personal project. If you think 4-H is a good fit for your life you can follow the easy steps to apply!
How To Enroll in 4-H
Step 1
Join Below
You can use the link below to download our enrollment form to fill out.
Step 2
Almost Done
Once you have the enrollment form completed you can send them to the email address below.
Step 3
Thank you for enrolling in 4-H! Check your email to find out more details!
Children of Incarcerated Parents Initiative